24 is not the same as 8x8x8
Relax, this is not a math exercise but one of perspective.
When I met with my life coach, he asked me how I organized the hours of my day. Uff. I told him that while working from home, I would tend to my commitments, do housework, waste time on social media, etc., etc.
Truth be told I didn't have a routine. I was improvising and managing.
And then, he taught me the difference between seeing the big picture and being disciplined. He divided my day into three: 8 hours of work, 8 hours of sleep and 8 extra hours. Seriously, when I saw it like that, I began to realize that I was all over the place.
Oh my, perspective is a…! Photo by ThreeMilesPerHour.
He also told me about how the mind works and how our "hard drive" optimally saves the initial 45 minutes of information. The 46th minute is gone.
So I decided to give the new scheduling a chance and started managing a proper daily agenda.
I became more productive, wasted less time and made room for the things I used to say I didn't have time to do.
I exercise first thing in the morning so I won't have an excuse, make my mandatory everyday phone calls (to mom, and my BFF) and then sit down to work; whether it is a project, catching up on emails, preparing new strategies, presentations, etc.
We say and feel that we don't have enough time, but we waste it too much in things that take away from others that matter most and make us even happier.
Some people have their strategies, and others don’t. That's why I wanted to share what worked for me and made me see that 8x8x8 can give a bit more than 24.
How do you go about your day?
Side dish: “The Weight is Gone” by Albin Lee Meldau.