Ask And You Shall Receive
With so many payment options, we have forgotten to consider the direct exchange of goods and services, without the intervention of money. Bartering.
To launch a project you need money, and as well as the majority of people starting up I didn’t have a penny so for my new editorial adventure I decided to give bartering a chance because I'm a firm believer we all have a talent that we can offer to others.
I work creating content, editing, translating and producing so at the time of "paying" I offered my services to other established professional or beginners who were also trying to shape up or build up their work and life projects.
Investors are not only those who have the money but also those who are willing to help and invest in you their time and expertise. And in this group are included family members, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, etc., who could potentially help with the start of the project.
Not wanting to be part of the terrible statistics of those that are ready, set but don’t go, I decided to make the most out of my investors. I made a list of those I knew would say "yes," those I thought would say “no” and another of the “maybes.” Boy, was I surprised!
Out love, solidarity or who knows if even pity (It didn't even matter as long as I got the help!) I received the support of very, very dear people.
Here everyone came out winning, especially you reading me (“¿Me sientes? ¿Me escuchas?"). In English, they say that "it takes a village" and yes, a wonderful tribe as mine that shares my life and laughs with me, and to whom I’ll be eternally grateful.
Side dish: "Come And Get Your Love" by Redbone.